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Resources to assist you

These resources will assist you to understand NSW and Commonwealth privacy laws, your obligations and responsibilities as a DCJ contracted service provider, and tactics that may help protect your organisation.

DCJ resources for contracted service providers

Key Privacy Obligations for DCJ Contractors

This factsheet outlines privacy obligations for DCJ contractors including privacy considerations, how to safely handle information, data retention and right of access.

Information security is everyone's responsibility

This resource outlines your responsibilities as a DCJ contracted service provider, along with a number of practical things you can do to achieve and maintain a strong information security culture across your organisation.

Information security

You can also download and print our top 10 take-aways for information security.

Secure File Transfer – Interim Guidance for Service Providers

This guidance outlines key privacy principles, how to safely share files, naming protocols and what to do in the event of a data breach/incident.

External tools




National Privacy Guide

Justice Connect, Not-for-profit Law

This is a guide for not-for-profit organisations that want to understand more about their obligations under privacy laws in Australia.

Data breach preparation and response

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

This guide assists organisations and agencies to prepare for, and respond to data breaches, in line with their obligations under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

Digital Transformation Hub


Practical guides and resources specifically for not-for-profits on information technology, systems and security to support providers to build their digital capabilities.

Small Business Cyber Security Guide

Australian Cyber Security Centre

This guide has been developed to help small business protect themselves from the most common cyber security incidents.

First Nations Business ResourcesAustralian Cyber Security CentreThese resources assist First Nations businesses with tips and information to keep safe and secure online.

Resources to assist your organisation comply with privacy laws

Justice Connect, Not-for-profit Law

Resources designed to assist not-for-profit organisations that have contractual arrangements with government to comply with privacy laws at both the NSW and national level, including notifiable data breaches and cyber security.

Guide for the management of data security breaches in NSW

Information and Privacy Commission NSW

Information for organisations and agencies on what a data security breach is, its potential impact on an organisation and its clients, and how to manage a breach in NSW.

Legislation and regulations

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Last updated: 22 Dec 2023