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Support for victims of non-violent crime

Victims of a non-violent crime are not entitled to assistance from Victims Services. It is recommended that an appointment be arranged with a counsellor if the victim wishes this and / or with a general practitioner to develop a Mental Health Care plan.

Victims Impact Statements

A Victim Impact Statement (VIS) is a written statement about the impact that a crime has had on a victim of crime. If a child or young person is eligible for making a VIS in accordance with the Crimes Sentencing Procedure Act 1999 and wants to make a VIS, liaise with:

  • the CFDU,
  • other agencies involved, such as Police, to make sure that the victim is appropriately supported to prepare the statement and provide it to the court.


If a victim of crime (or their carer) believes that any agency has breached the Charter of Victims’ Rights, ensure the person is given information on the agency complaint process. If the complaint is not resolved to their satisfaction advise them to contact Victims Services. Victims Services can help make a complaint to the relevant agency.

Victims of crime who are not under parental responsibility of the Minister

If a person identified as a victim of crime is not under the parental responsibility of the Minister (e.g. a family member of a child or young person in OOHC):

  • Advise the victim (or their non-offending parent/carer) that they may be eligible for support from Victims Services for example, if a person has been a victim of an act of violence.
  • Ensure the victim (or their parent/carer) has access to the Charter of Victims Rights and provide details of the Victims Access Line, and/or Aboriginal Contact Line.
  • If the victim of crime (or their parent/carer) believes that any government or non- government agency has breached the Charter, the person should be provided with information on how to make a complaint.
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Last updated: 13 Oct 2020