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General information for all participants

Prize draw to say ‘thank you’

In appreciation of your time and contribution to this study we have a prize draw at the end of the sixth round of interviews conducted in 2023-2024.

All households that completed a caregiver or young person interview in 2023-2024 will be included in the prize draw for a $500 Coles/Myer gift card or Prezzee digital voucher to thank you for your ongoing contribution and commitment to the longitudinal study.

At the end of Wave 6, a postcard will be mailed by Ipsos to all the participants who completed a Wave 6 interview to thank them for their ongoing commitment to the Study including the details of the prize draw.

Prize draw details

  • The prize draw will take place unless participants opt-out. Please let us know if want to opt-out of the prize draw by phoning the Study researchers on 1800 997 960, or the Ipsos interviewers on 1800 105 088, or by emailing
  • The announcement of a winner (no names), will be published on the POCLS updates webpage.
  • One prize draw entry per household.
  • There will be one winner.
  • The prize will be drawn randomly on the 28 August 2024 by Ipsos/I-view who conduct the interviews.
  • The winner will be notified by Ipsos/I-view (by phone or email) on the same day as the draw. If no contact, we will keep trying until the 24 September 2024.
  • If necessary, a redraw will be conducted on 25 September 2024. The above arrangements will be repeated until a winner is found.
  • Note, if the winner resides in locations outside of NSW that require the winner’s name to be published, the winner maybe ineligible for confidentiality reasons.
  • Note, careworkers/caseworkers participating in the interviews are excluded from the prize draw but the eligible young person will be included as a separate household and if they win the prize will be sent via their careworker/caseworker to appropriately pass onto the young person.

The study interviews

The data collection to date includes six rounds of face-to-face interviews with caregivers, activities with children over three years of age and a short interview with children and young people over seven years of age. Birth parents and adoptive parents are invited to take part in the interviews if the child(ren) is restored or adopted during the study.

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) researchers contact every caregiver to seek their permission to securely transfer their contact details to Ipsos/I-view (an independent data collection agency that specialises in social research data collection, and this is referred to as an 'opt-in' recruitment process PDF, 211.62 KB.

The interviews are conducted by trained interviewers from Ipsos/I-view. The interviews are crucial to the study where detailed information is collected on the characteristics, needs, experiences and outcomes of the children.

Information about the study is available to participants:

  • children and young people
  • carers
  • parents
  • caseworkers
  • childcare and school teachers

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Last updated: 17 May 2024