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The Department of Communities and Justice has developed the latest annual NSW Social Housing Assistance Commissioning Data Report (2022/23) which improves the granularity, quality and accessibility of information available for service delivery planning. The data report presents a NSW wide overview of social housing assistance, including applications for social housing, social housing tenancies and private market assistance. It also provides information on existing social housing tenants needing to move, and a breakdown of demand in each area by bedroom and accessible housing need.

In this FACSIAR Lunch and Learn webinar, Emma Nicholson, Acting Executive Director, Strategy, Policy and Regulation, Homes NSW outlined the HOMES NSW policy context. Despina Karlsson, Manager Social Housing Insights in Homes NSW, presented key features of the report and discussed how it can help to better utilise current housing stock and lead to improved tenant outcomes. Peter Reily, Director Organisational Performance, FACSIAR described other FACSIAR Housing data products and dashboards that are publicly available. Poppy Dowsett, Principle Portfolio Analyst, Housing Portfolio, Homes NSW discussed using data for analysis of housing needs and opportunities across NSW.

This webinar was chaired by Jessica Stewart (Executive Director, FACSIAR).

Presentation materials

Current HOMES NSW policy context

Emma Nicholson – A/ED Strategy, Strategy, Policy and Regulation, Homes NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Accessing social housing data for planning and research: 2023 NSW Social Housing Assistance Commissioning Data Report

Despina Karlsson – Manager, Social Housing Insights, Homes NSW, Department of Communities and Justice

Download Emma Nicholson and Despina Karlsson's slides PDF, 755.02 KB

Publicly available dashboards on social housing

Peter Reily - Director Organisational Performance, FACSIAR,  Department of Communities and Justice

Download Peter Reily's slides PDF, 2517.4 KB

Question and Answer

Using data for analysis of housing needs and opportunities across NSW

Poppy Dowsett – Principle Portfolio Analyst, Housing Portfolio, Homes NSW, Department of Communities and Justice

Additional Resources

NSW Social Housing Assistance Commissioning Data Report

  • Access the 2022/23 data report here

DCJ Annual Statistics Report

  • Click here to access the DCJ Annual Statistics Report 2022-23

DCJ publicly available housing data

All publicly accessible data can be found via the following links:

More information can be sought by contacting FACSIAR Allocations:

AIHW Housing assistance in Australia

  • Click here to learn more about Housing assistance in Australia

Report on Government Services 2023

  • Click here for information about the Report on Government Services 2023 - Housing and Homelessness

Human Services Dataset (HSDS)

The Human Services Dataset (HSDS) contains social housing data which is able to be utilised by external researchers. For more information on accessing this, please contact the Research Partnerships team via the email address below.

  • Click here to learn more about the Human Services Dataset (HSDS)

Research Partnerships Program

For more Information on how to access Social Housing data for research projects, please click here.


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Last updated: 04 Jun 2024