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Social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register at the end of each month. Latest data is 31 May 2024

Newly housed applicant households from the NSW housing Register during the month. Latest data is 31 May 2024

Median waiting time in months for social housing applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register (rolling 12 months). Latest data to 31 March 2024.

Social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register

Social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register by Allocation Zone

The number of priority and general applicant households on the NSW Housing Register by Allocation Zone at the end of the latest month.

Social housing applicant households on the NSW Housing Register by Allocation Zone (as at 31 May 2024)

Data for previous months

Newly housed from the NSW Housing Register

Median waiting time in months for social housing applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register (rolling 12 months)

Median waiting time by DCJ district (rolling 12 months)

The median waiting times in months for priority and general social housing applicant households housed from the NSW Housing Register in the previous 12 months, at the end of each quarter, by DCJ District. This measure provides information on how long 50 per cent of priority or general applicants waited before they were housed.

Median waiting time by district - March 2024

Data for previous quarters

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Last updated: 20 Jun 2024