Getting started on the app with your MyHousing account
This guide will help set you up in the app if you already have a MyHousing account. You only need to set up the app once and from then on you can simply just log in to the app using your chosen password.
Tap on the MyHousing app icon to open
Tap on Let’s get started to begin using the app
Read Get started to understand what you need prior to creating an account, then tap Next
Select I already have a MyHousing account, then tap Next
Fill in your email address and password used for MyHousing Account and Information
Don’t worry, if you type your email incorrectly, you can try again!
Once you have correctly entered your details, tap Log in
You are now logged in!
Tap on the features to start using the app today! Note: You will only see features that are relevant to you