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The NSW Premier’s Council on Homelessness is a non-statutory advisory body to the NSW Government.

The council serves as a forum for independent experts and key sector peaks to provide the NSW Government with advice on homelessness issues and innovative, evidence-based responses. The council is convened as the Premier and Minister for Families and Communities require at least once a year.

The council’s forward agenda reflects the NSW Government’s strategic homelessness priorities.


Council members include elected NSW Government representatives, DCJ staff, independent members and representatives of key sector peaks.

Government and non-government subject matter experts may be invited to attend meetings on an ad-hoc basis to provide specialist advice.

Current list of members

  • The Hon Gladys Berejiklian (Premier), Chair
  • The Hon Pru Goward (Minister for Family and Community Services, Minister for Social Housing, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault), Deputy Chair
  • Mr Ben Carblis, Service Delivery representative
  • Ms Taasha Layer, Service Delivery representative
  • Ms Sandy Kervin, Women and Homelessness representative
  • Ms Jenny Mahony, Mental Health and Homelessness representative
  • Associate Professor Kristy Muir, Academic representative
  • Mr Joe Coyte, Aboriginal representative
  • Ms Maddy Humphreys, Consumer representative
  • Mr Dave Jeffery, Consumer representative
  • Ms Moo Baulch, Domestic Violence NSW representative
  • NSW Council of Social Services representative
  • Ms Katherine McKernan, Homelessness NSW representative
  • Ms Zoë Robinson, YFoundations representative
  • Commissioner Catherine Lourey, Mental Health Commission of NSW representative
  • Ms Deidre Mulkerin, Department of Family and Community Services representative
  • Assistant Commissioner Rosemary Caruana, Department of Justice representative
  • Ms Amy Wyndham, Ministry of Health representative
  • Ms Amy Persson, Department Premier and Cabinet Representative
  • Guest: Ms Ann Hoban, City of Sydney representative
  • Guest: Ms Wendy Hayhurst, NSW Federation of Housing Associations Representative
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Last updated: 22 May 2024