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Evaluating the effectiveness of our services is important to ensure the quality of services and outcomes for clients continue to improve.

We develop and implement evaluation strategies so we can assess the contribution of our services and programs to addressing and reducing homelessness throughout NSW.

Specialist Homelessness Services Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy

The SHS Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy is the framework for measuring the effectiveness of the specialist homelessness services (SHS) system in meeting the needs of users.

This strategy will inform ongoing improvements to the homelessness services system, to ensure best practice and high-quality services will help break the cycle of homelessness.

Throughout this 3 year strategy, we are consulting with peak bodies, experts, service providers, mainstream services and consumers. We will use their input to build a robust evidence base to inform policy and operational decisions in the SHS Program.

We have also developed evaluation strategies for the Homeless Youth Assistance Program and the Homelessness Industry and Workforce Development Strategy.

Monitoring and Evaluation Advisory Group

The SHS Monitoring and Evaluation Advisory Group was established to enable communication between major stakeholders across government, academia and the SHS sector.

Under its Terms of Reference, the Advisory Group provides expert and independent advice on the scope, design and implementation of activities under the SHS Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy.

The independent Chair of the Advisory Group is Professor Eileen Baldry. The Deputy Chair is Associate Professor David MacKenzie.

Early Review of the Specialist Homelessness Services Program

Communities and Justice (DCJ) engaged the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) and the University of NSW Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC) to undertake an Early Review of the Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) Program.

The Early Review of the Specialist Homelessness Services Program: Final report provides timely feedback from clients, service providers and stakeholders about how the SHS system reforms and service responses are being implemented. It looks at what is and isn’t working well and identifies key areas where DCJ and the homelessness sector can work together to improve services.

Findings are based on qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data was captured from client and service provider surveys; interviews with clients, service providers and stakeholders in four case study sites; and interviews with other government and non-government stakeholders.

The Early Review is one part of a range of activities of the SHS Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy. The next phase of this strategy is the outcomes and economic evaluation of the SHS Program, which will focus on client and system outcomes, as well as on economic costs and benefits of the reform.

Homeless Youth Assistance Program (HYAP) Evaluation Strategy

The HYAP Evaluation Strategy has been developed in consultation with the sector. Workshops were held across NSW, and the outcomes are documented in the HYAP Evaluation Strategy Workshop Outcomes Report.

The HYAP Evaluation Strategy will provide:

  • an outcomes framework that articulates in a meaningful and measurable way what success will look like
  • clearly defined priorities and evaluation questions
  • the scope, methods and proposed evaluation plan.

The Evaluation Strategy will be published here when it is finalised.

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Last updated: 22 May 2024