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Hosted by Family and Community Services Insights, Analysis and Research (FACSIAR) and the Department of Education (DoE)

Children and young people known to child protection services are at greater risk of attaining poorer educational outcomes. This Lunch and Learn will present the latest research on this topic from Pathways of Longitudinal Care Study and the NSW Child Development Study.  Representatives from the Department of Communities and Justice and Department of Education will discuss relevant programs and strategies. There is a presentation on how to better support Aboriginal children in care and we will hear a carer’s perspective.


  • Education and children who experience care: exploring higher achievement, trajectories over time and predictors in the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study
    Dr Miriam Maclean from the Australian Centre for Child Protection, University of South Australia
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  • Are we making the grade? Education and children in OOHC
    Dr Michelle Townsend, Senior Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Wollongong
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  • Primary school outcomes for children in contact with child protection during early childhood: Findings from the NSW Child Development Study
    Dr Kristin Laurens from the School of Psychology and Counselling, Queensland University of Technology
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  • Educational pathway program for children in out-of-home care
    Rochelle Romero, Manager, Interagency, Department of Communities and Justice
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  • Inclusive, Engaging and Respectful Schools
    Trisha Ladogna, Director of Behaviour Strategy, NSW Department of Education
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  • Supporting Aboriginal children and young people in care to reach their educational goals
    Jayde Ward, Director, Transforming Aboriginal Outcomes, Department of Communities and Justice
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  • Carer perspective
    Irina Castellano, My Forever Family, NSW Volunteer

We also highly recommend that you watch the Documentary ‘In my blood it runs’ which tells the story of Dujuan and his family’s fight to provide him with a Arrernte education alongside his western education.

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Last updated: 09 Feb 2024