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This interactive dashboard presents statistics on DCJ service provision for vulnerable children and young people and their families. The key performance indicators reported in this dashboard are grouped into the following five main themes. Data for several performance indicators can also be further broken down to help understand demographic characteristics of these children and young people and the services they received in more detail (e.g., who reports these children and young people).

  • Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) services

    The Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program delivers flexible support to children, young people, families and communities experiencing or at risk of vulnerability. This program supports the people who need it earlier on, to make the biggest difference.

  • Child and young person concern reports

    This theme includes data on the total number of concern reports received and the proportion of reports that meet the risk of significant harm (ROSH) threshold, a breakdown of reports by mandatory reporters and the types of issues assessed by the Department’s Helpline.

  • Children and young people involved in concern reports

    This theme counts the number of children and young people involved in concern reports, ROSH reports, have been seen by a DCJ caseworker (children seen) and cumulative data of children seen from the beginning of the financial year. This theme also includes the percentage of children and young people re-reported at ROSH within 12 of case plan closure.

  • Keeping children and young people safe

    This theme includes data on children and young people entering out-of-home care (OOHC), children and young people exiting OOHC, and children and young people in statutory OOHC.

  • Stable and nurturing environments for children and young people

    This theme includes data on children and young people in out-of-home care, children and young people on Guardianship Orders and placements for Aboriginal children and young people.

(Note: Click the ‘+’symbol to see the data reported under each theme.)

This dashboard shows how we support the safety and wellbeing of those vulnerable children, young people and their families in NSW. It shows our contribution to improve the state outcome of ’Children and families thrive’.

Note: As this dashboard contains several built-in interactive functions to enable it to filter and present data dynamically, it is best viewed and interacted with using the Google Chrome browser. Other browsers may provide limited functionality.

View services for children and young people quarterly dashboard

If you are unable to view or access the data in the above interactive dashboard, an alternative version which presents the quarterly results of key performance indicators for DCJ quarterly statistical report on services for children and young people in text is available. Otherwise, please email

View quarterly report on services for children and young people dashboard (text only)

Dashboard reports (pdf)

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Last updated: 02 Jul 2024